Source code for analysis.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

"""The ``utils`` module provides a variety of general utility functions used across the analysis package.

Usage Example

.. code-block:: python

   from sndata.csp import dr3

   from analysis import utils

   # Convert dates from the Snoopy or MJD formats to JD format
   dates = [350, 53350]  # snoopy and MJD respectively
   jd_dates = utils.convert_to_jd(dates)

   # Get certain CSP data for a given target
   t0 = utils.get_csp_t0(('2005kc'))
   ebv = utils.get_csp_ebv(('2005kc'))

   # Iterate over photometric data while only including targets with a published t0 and E(B-V)
   for data in dr3.iter_data(filter_func=utils.filter_has_csp_data)

Function Documentation

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import sncosmo
from astropy.time import Time
from sndata.csp import DR1, DR3

from .exceptions import NoCSPData

dr1 = DR1()
dr3 = DR3()

def convert_to_jd(date):
    """Convert MJD and Snoopy date formats into Julian date (JD) format

        date (float): Time stamp in JD, MJD, or SNPY format

        The time value in JD format

    snoopy_offset = 53000  # Snoopy date format is MDJ minus 53000
    mjd_offset = 2400000.5  # MJD date format is JD minus 2400000.5
    date_format = 'mjd'

    if date < snoopy_offset:
        date += snoopy_offset

    elif date > mjd_offset:
        date_format = 'jd'

    t = Time(date, format=date_format)
    t.format = 'jd'
    return t.value

[docs]def get_csp_t0(obj_id): """Get the t0 value published by CSP DR3 for a given object Args: obj_id (str): The object Id value Returns: The published date of maximum in JD format """ dr3.download_module_data() params = dr3.load_table(3) params = params[~params['T(Bmax)'].mask] # Drop masked values if obj_id not in params['SN']: raise NoCSPData(f'No published t0 for {obj_id}') # Return date in Julian date format return convert_to_jd(params[params['SN'] == obj_id]['T(Bmax)'][0])
[docs]def get_csp_ebv(obj_id): """Get the E(B - V) value published by CSP DR1 for a given object Args: obj_id (str): The object Id value Returns: The published E(B - V) value """ dr1.download_module_data() extinction_table = dr1.load_table(1) if obj_id not in extinction_table['SN']: raise NoCSPData(f'No published E(B-V) for {obj_id}') data_for_target = extinction_table[extinction_table['SN'] == obj_id] return data_for_target['E(B-V)'][0]
[docs]def filter_has_csp_data(data_table): """A filter function for an SNData table iterator Returns whether the object ID associated with a data table has an available t0 and E(B - V) value. Args: data_table (Table): A table from sndata Returns: A boolean """ obj_id = data_table.meta['obj_id'] try: get_csp_t0(obj_id) get_csp_ebv(obj_id) except NoCSPData: return False return True
[docs]def get_effective_wavelength(band_name): """Get the effective wavelength for a given band Band name must be registered with SNCosmo. Args: band_name (str): The name of a registered bandpass Returns: The effective wavelength in Angstroms """ return sncosmo.get_bandpass(band_name).wave_eff
[docs]def parse_spectra_table(data): """Convert spectral data from an astropy table to arrays Args: data (Table): A table of spectral data from sncosmo Returns: - A sorted list of observed MJD dates for each spectra - A 2d list of wavelength values for each date - A 2d list of flux values for each date """ obs_dates = sorted(set(data['time'])) wavelength, flux = [], [] data.sort('wavelength') for date in obs_dates: data_for_date = data[data['time'] == date] wavelength.append(np.array(data_for_date['wavelength'])) flux.append(np.array(data_for_date['flux'])) return convert_to_jd(obs_dates), np.array(wavelength), np.array(flux)
[docs]def calc_model_chisq(data, result, model): """Calculate the chi-squared for a given data table and model Chi-squared is calculated using parameter values from ``model``. Degrees of freedom are calculated using the number of varied parameters specified is the ``result`` object. Args: data (Table): An sncosmo input table model (Model): An sncosmo Model result (Result): sncosmo fitting result Returns: The un-normalized chi-squared The number of data points used in the calculation """ data = deepcopy(data) # Drop any data that is not withing the model's range min_band_wave = np.array([sncosmo.get_bandpass(b).minwave() for b in data['band']]) max_band_wave = np.array([sncosmo.get_bandpass(b).maxwave() for b in data['band']]) data = data[ (data['time'] >= model.mintime()) & (data['time'] <= model.maxtime()) & (min_band_wave >= model.minwave()) & (max_band_wave <= model.maxwave()) ] if len(data) == 0: raise ValueError('No data within model range') return sncosmo.chisq(data, model), len(data) - len(result.vparam_names)